A Fotoclub animated by the sharing of photographic passion in a context of sincere friendship, light-heartedness, serenity and mutual respect between people. Escaping from so many ways of doing and conceiving photography: many dwell on technicalities forgetting that an image is worth a second look only if it conveys an emotion!
Portal dedicated to photography: Italian and international forum, free space for 420 photos, reviews, destinations and much more. One of the best!
Web Site of Mauro Tondelli, a friend and a great mountain lover. Mauro is also a very capable photographer. His well-kept images convey magic and incomparable emotions
Claudio is creative artist: I've been using photography for years and now always and always I use pictorial tools - such as oil pastels and watercolors- to create new worlds. He is an enthusiast professional photographer of architecture, interiors and gardens - but not only.
"Brezza di Monte is the wind that on calm and serene nights descends along the sides of the mountain towards the valleys, loaded with thoughts that touch the mind and soul of all of us as we walk among the mountains, reaching a summit and overcoming our limits" These words fully describe the Selena photography.
Fulvio is a professional photographer who is also dedicated to teaching. He collaborates with the magazines "Tutti Fotografi" and "Progresso Fotografico" and has also been published on "Digital Camera". Fulvio was counted among the best wedding photographers in Europe, with the achievement of the WPE Honors of Excellence 2019 and, subsequently, 2020. In 2018 Leica selected him as one of the best Italian photographers in the Wedding sector, as a quality and artistic reference Certified By Leica.
© created by Roberto Colombo